15 Of the Best Sobriety Podcasts to Listen to in Recovery

Vomit, one night stands and life on the other side of their destructive drunken behaviours. So, if you’ve hit a wall, you’re in need of giggle and some sober inspiration, then this is the podcast for you. Shane battled a 17-year alcohol and drug addiction before seeking treatment in 2013. Less than a year later, he started That Sober Guy Podcast as a way to allow others to share their experiences and bring light to a topic that so many find difficult to talk about. Today, TSG is one of the top recovery podcasts, with millions of downloads across multiple continents.

Ethos Structured Sober Living is an all male community in recovery located in the heart of West Los Angeles. Our primary purpose is to foster long-term sobriety through the cultivation of accountability, camaraderie, & character development. In Psychology from UCLA and has served as a community advocate/mentor How to Choose a Sober House: Tips to Focus on for men and women in recovery since 2010. There’s so much in each of these shows, and every one is fantastic for its own unique reason. It’s common to have the fear of missing out when first entering recovery. It may seem as if everyone you know is out to happy hour and you’re, well, not.

A Sober Girls Guide

Listen to today’s podcast and I talk about all the things that I am working on accepting. You can write an introduction or add anything you want to tell your audience. This can help potential listeners better understand and become interested in your podcast.

sober podcasts

Lisa Smith and Tawny Lara host this dynamic, fun, and authentic podcast about sobriety (with a touch of rock and roll). Lisa is a rock-and-roll-loving Gen X lawyer in recovery, and Tawny is a millennial writer who found sobriety through blogging. They cover a wide range of recovery-related topics such as forgiveness, relationships, and anxiety, which provides insightful tips on how to stay sober throughout a variety of circumstances. They also invite special guests to take a deeper dive on select themes. We discuss the journey of those on their path in sobriety worldwide. The Sober Podcast is a safe space for sober and to recover out loud.

Yes, I’m Still Sober

The podcast connects people by reminding us that although we are all different, many times, we face the same challenges. Shane Ramer created That Sober Guy podcast in 2015, a year into his recovery from a 17 year battle with drugs and alcohol. Shane shares his experience and invites guests on to share their journey with listeners.

  • With more than 100 episodes, The Home Podcast’s archives have so much on exploring our hearts, relationships, life, love and the universe at large.
  • Recovery podcasts are usually hosted by people who have experienced drug or alcohol addiction and decided to share their experiences and tips with others.
  • That’s the question being asked by host Alyson Premo, the founder of Sober Mom Tribe and the Sober Mom Coach.
  • When is the average time it can begin to take place in the sober journey?

Hearing other people’s stories can provide hope, encouragement, and relief. In addition to these great resources, you can always post in the Monument Community chat, and check out our therapist-moderated online alcohol support groups. There are plenty of recovery resources and communities to choose from, and finding what works best for you is an act of self-care. After struggling with substance use disorders from a young age, Shane sought out professional care and began his journey to recovery.

Molly’s Sobriety Journey

They also host interviews with experts on topics like sex, recovery from trauma, boundaries, Latinx culture, recovery and harm reduction. The ODAAT Chat Podcast is about recovery from alcoholism, drug addiction, sobriety and the journey of recovery, community and healing. Guests tell their stories of what it was like, what happened and where they are now. The recovery stories they share are inspiring, funny and touching, providing hope to help others feel like they are not alone. Jean McCarthy, recovery author and blogger, began hosting The Bubble Hour in 2016, and now holds an impressive listenership of more than 75,000 monthly downloads. Tune in as Jean cultivates community and compassion by sharing conversations and interviews with those who have been affected by unhealthy alcohol use.

He has many years sober under his belt and can offers amazing advice to his guests, sometimes information that they didn’t know about themselves. His smooth and relaxing voice makes this an easy listen and it’s perfect for people that are in need of a boost. I appreciate his knowledge, so if your ever having a wobble and need some sage advice then this is the one for you. It’s not difficult to love globally-recognized mindset coach, consultant, speaker, and explorer of the subconscious, Africa Brooke.

Recovery Happy Hour

That’s where listening to a great recovery podcast (or 25!) can come in. For those seeking a life in recovery, podcasts have become a useful resource and a life line in the early months of sobriety. Listeners are able to hear conversations about recovery https://goodmenproject.com/everyday-life-2/top-5-tips-to-consider-when-choosing-a-sober-house-for-living/ with the tap of a finger, and also join communities which these podcasts have built on social media. This hilariously witty and casual approach to an otherwise daunting subject is sure to give you some solid tips and tricks for getting and staying sober.

sober podcasts

Yet, Ana Lozano Harmon, her son Anthony, and her entire family endured the pain, tears, and tragedy to tell the tale. This is the story of survival, of drug and alcohol addiction, through the strength of a mother’s love and with a family who pulled together unconditionally—to save one of their own. A mother’s love for a child is everlasting, yet, facing addiction, can place a soul-wrenching strain on a mother’s heart, pushing it beyond normal limits. Yet each day, the pain pushed her closer to the edge, almost beyond reach.